New risk and decision making in children and adult safeguarding module!

Di Galpin
29th July 2021

BU is excited to be working with NHS England and NHS Improvement South West Regional Nursing Leadership for Quality and Safeguarding and the South West Clinical Commissioning Groups to deliver a 20 credit Level 7 Master’s degree Safeguarding module relating to Risk and Decision Making in Safeguarding for Adults and Children to Health and Social Care Professionals across the South West starting in October 2021.

Why has NHS England and NHS Improvement – South West Region supported the development and delivery of this module?

Health and social care landscapes continue to change. We are currently preparing for the Health and Care Bill and the development and implementation of the Integrated Care Systems. Health, social care and other partners including the police, education, housing, safeguarding partnerships, employment and welfare services must work together to ensure we all play a part to safeguard children and adults. However, during summer 2020, in the South West region, we noticed that some professionals interested in a career in safeguarding did not have a taster or pathway in or, an accredited module that could be undertaken whilst continuing to work.

Thus, we set out to obtain funding from Health Education England (South West Region), whilst working through the regions safeguarding workforce requirements via the South West Safeguarding Career Pathway task and finish group. We were successful in obtaining funding in January 2021.

Given the breadth and diversity of the safeguarding workforce, the next challenge was designing a course that would have a golden thread, whatever the age range or population group the student/employee worked. We believed an essential knowledge and skill would be to understand risk and decision making in safeguarding practice. We are therefore delighted to collaborate with Health Education England (South West), the seven NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups, and Bournemouth University to develop and deliver this course to help our South West Safeguarding Workforce in their career in safeguarding.

Next steps

In regard to the regional safeguarding workforce workstreams, our work has not ended, but we do seek students’ input into the evaluation of this course. We hope you engage in learning and contribute to the evaluation of this course. Later in 2021 and during 2022, we would welcome feedback and case studies, including how this course has impacted your practice.

It is up to you what steps you take next, but this academic award could take you towards a Masters in Advanced Practice. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy your learning as you embark on this study programme and we all wish you all the best in your career adventures.

This blog shares the stories of two of the leads who developed this CPD unit and discusses why this work matters to them… happy reading!

Rosie Luce (Assistant Director of Nursing and Safeguarding)

During the first national Covid-19 lockdown, I became the Assistant Director of Nursing and Safeguarding and Regional Safeguarding Lead for NHS England and NHS Improvement, South West Region. I have over 37 years of experience working as a qualified nurse across adult and children services, including in children’s urgent care and cardiothoracic nursing. I have been a ward sister in a general hospital’s children ward; a health visitor; a therapeutic councillor within primary care; and a sister in nursing homes for older people. I have also worked with a national children’s charity, smaller non-profit organisations and have a long-term history of volunteering to support local communities.

I have had an interest in safeguarding as well as law, policy, and public protection throughout my career. In 2000, I began studying law whilst working across health and social care and was finally called to the Bar in October 2010. I am also currently an independent nurse lawyer researcher student who has undertaken a Professional Doctorate in Legal Practice, and thankfully, I am very close to my Viva examination!

Key moments in my personal life have influenced my desire for lifelong learning, such as losing the opportunity to study A-Levels at age 16 and needing to find a place to live independently and find work to pay the bills. At 18, I began my career in nursing and have since valued all learning opportunities, undertaking informal and, when I can afford it, formal academic studies to advance my knowledge, skills, confidence and competence.

Di Galpin (Lecturer in Safeguarding)

When Bournemouth University offered me the opportunity to develop and deliver this module, I was both excited and daunted. However, on meeting Rosie and the rest of the team, it was clear to me this was more than a tick box exercise; this mattered to us all, and that we get it right.

Safeguarding has been at the core of my professional life as both a senior practitioner and academic. Working with both adults and children as a social worker, I have seen both areas of practice develop across professional groups, especially safeguarding adults with the advent of the Care Act (2014). In my academic career, I have sought to develop tools to support practitioners (you can download the National Competency Framework for Safeguarding Adults here), and I have been vocal in challenging the structural status quo that influence safeguarding practice, advocating for professionals to receive the support they need.

As a practitioner in safeguarding you already know the challenges you face, yet within those challenges comes the opportunity to make a difference in individuals lives… And that is the core of why we do what we do, and why we have worked together to develop this module as part of a CPD pathway for professionals.

We recognise the fantastic work that already occurs, often in difficult circumstances. We also recognise the importance of offering practitioners the opportunity to step outside of their day to day professional lives, to have space to think, reflect and learn together with their peers. Sharing skills and knowledge whilst advancing their own skills and knowledge to improve outcomes for those we work with.

For the whole team, from its initial conception to delivery and beyond, we are excited and dedicated to working together to make a difference, and we want you to be part of that difference.

Meet the author(s)

Di Galpin

Lecturer in Social Work (Safeguarding)
Di was Senior Lecturer and programme lead in Post Qualifying Social Work/Safeguarding Adults at Bournemouth University for 9 years, and Academic Lead for Social Work at the University of Plymouth until July 2020. Previously, Di practiced for 14 years in mental health, disability and older people services.
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