Interactive Learning

Scams and Ladders: A Fun and Educational Game to Learn About Scamming

Stevie Corbin-Clarke
24th October 2022

Scamming is a serious problem that affects millions of people every year. Scammers use various tricks and techniques to deceive people into giving them money, personal information, or access to their accounts. Scamming can cause financial loss, emotional distress, and health problems for the victims.

But how can we protect ourselves and our loved ones from scamming? How can we spot the signs of a scam and avoid falling into the trap? How can we raise awareness and educate others about scamming?

One way to do that is by playing a game called ‘Scams and Ladders’. This game was created by the National Centre for Cross Disciplinary Social Work (NCCDSW) at Bournemouth University, in collaboration with other partners. The game is based on the classic board game ‘Snakes and Ladders’, but with a twist: getting caught by scamming snakes means sliding down the board, while beating the scammers is rewarded by racing up the ladders.

The game is designed to be fun and engaging, but also informative and educational. It aims to teach players about different types of scams, such as phishing, vishing, romance scams, lottery scams, and more. It also provides tips on how to prevent and report scams, as well as how to support victims of scams.

The game can be played by anyone, regardless of age or background. It can be used in various settings, such as schools, community centres, care homes, or even festivals. The game can also be adapted to suit different audiences and needs.

The NCCDSW has been using the game as a tool to collect data about the public’s awareness of scamming at various events, such as Glastonbury Festival . The data collected will help the NCCDSW to develop better research and evidence into the scale, causes, and impact of scamming, as well as to improve their publications and resources on scamming prevention and intervention.

If you are interested in learning more about ‘Scams and Ladders’ or getting a copy of the game, you can contact the NCCDSW at or visit their website . You can also download their free guides on financial scamming and cyber fraud from their website.

Scams and Ladders is a unicorn way to learn about scamming. It can help you to become more aware, alert, and resilient against scammers. It can also help you to have fun and enjoy yourself while learning something new. So why not give it a try and see if you can beat the scammers?

Meet the author(s)

Stevie Corbin-Clarke

Research Assistant
Stevie Corbin-Clarke is a research assistant in the Department of Social Work and Social Sciences at Bournemouth University. She graduated with a degree in Primary Education (BA Hons) from the University of Chichester in 2017 and joined BU shortly after. She works across multiple research centres, including the NCCDSW and The Centre for Seldom Heard Voices and Marginalized Communities. She has a passion for qualitative research methods and engaging with vulnerable groups and sensitive issues.
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