Interactive Learning
This cluster aims to provide engaging and interactive learning opportunities for health and social care professionals, using various formats and platforms. You will find information about our online courses, webinars, workshops and events, as well as how to access and enrol in them. You will also find feedback and testimonials from our learners and facilitators.
Mental Capacity Toolkit
Funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing, this toolkit was developed to provide easily accessible learning materials relating to the application of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) for health and social care professionals, in a portable, web-based tool.
Reconnecting with best practice in the AMHP role through Appreciative Inquiry
Detention decisions have attracted a lot of attention in academic literature, my literature review examining those sources (Simpson 2020), but the decision made by an AMHP when they are approached with a request for them to consider detaining someone (a referral) has attracted no attention. As such AMHPs have been left to navigate this mysterious terrain alone. My research sought to redress this, and now complete I have generated the first research-based narrative on the topic (Simpson 2023).
Rolling Dice – Creative ways of engaging students with problem-based learning
I got myself a doughnut, and then I began to think about this activity. As I pondered this conundrum my mind wandered to Dungeons and Dragons [D&D]. I play D&D regularly with a group of friends and I have a good collection of books. Many of these have pages of Random Tables that are used to help determine things like a person’s characteristics, items in a room, or the location of certain objects. When planning a D&D session one would roll a die and use the corresponding number in the random table to help generate ideas. I thought about how I could use this for my students, and I soon formed a cunning plan!
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