Call for abstracts: International Practice Teaching Conference

10th May 2021

Call for abstracts: International Practice Teaching Conference  

13th-14th October 2021

‘Recovery, Restoration, Reconstruction, Renewal?

An online event

Call for abstracts

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed everything. Its after-effects will endure for years. At this conference we will share our experiences of Practice Education for health and social care professionals and consider the future of teaching and learning – for practice and in practice – in a very different and uncertain world. There will be selected live sessions, pre-recorded presentations and live Q&A, interactive workshops with breakout sessions.

We invite submissions of abstracts for Oral Presentations, Interactive Workshops, Poster Presentations and Roundtable Discussions.

Conference Themes

1) Adapting to a disrupted world? What worked or did not work?

2) The shift to online and blended teaching strategies. What were the challenges, what was successful and what will be retained for the future?

3) Approaches to the return to normality and the future – what need we restore, reconstruct? How can we plan for the future?

4) Interprofessional learning. What partnerships and collaborations emerged?

5) The impact on International Approaches to practice education.

6) The professional and personal impact of the pandemic on students and teachers.

For further information or to register go to the conference website at

Deadline for submission of abstracts is 20th August 2021
Please email any enquiries to

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