The CTSI conference is an annual event that brings together professionals and experts from various sectors and disciplines who are involved in consumer protection. The conference features a range of talks, workshops, and sessions that cover topics such as trading standards, consumer rights, product safety, fair trading, and scamming.
At the conference, we were honoured to receive the CTSI’s institutional hero award, which is given to candidates who have made outstanding contributions to the field of consumer protection. The award recognised our research and collaboration with various partners, such as the police and the CTSI, to raise awareness and understanding of scamming and its impact on vulnerable people.
Leon Livermore, CEO of the CTSI, said: “By making this award we seek to highlight the contribution that the university has made to bring the issues surrounding scams to the attention of policy makers. As organisations we are often comfortable talking about our own issues, especially at a time when any government service linked to local government is experiencing once-in-a-generation challenges.
“However, the university has highlighted a commitment to reaching out to organisations across the consumer protection landscape to better understand the shared challenges that scams cause to our vulnerable population – especially as elderly, isolated and vulnerable individuals are a growing part of our communities.”
He added: “The University has contributed its research expertise – delivering a detailed snapshot of the current thinking on protecting vulnerable adults from scamming and making recommendations to local and central government on how preventative measures can help to improve the outcomes for consumers. It has also committed to working in the future on more detailed work to understand challenges caused by scammers to vulnerable individuals.”