New Publication: Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Harm – Staff Group B Workbook

Di Galpin
25th October 2016

Di Galpin (2nd Edition, 2016) – Updated for The Care Act

Safeguarding Adults is increasingly a core activity for qualified practitioners in adult and mental health services. Practice in this area requires a high level of skill and knowledge as professionals seek to Safeguard those most vulnerable and at risk of harm in society, whilst also striving to protect individual’s right to live their lives as they choose. This will often involve striking a balance between support and control, liaising with a wide range of professionals and people who use services and their families, offering a professional judgment on a complex situation whilst managing high levels of risk.

This book should be used alongside the National Capability Framework for Safeguarding Adults and the Safeguarding Adults Framework Evaluation (SAFE) tool for developmental purposes.

This workbook could contribute to meeting the requirements of your organisational appraisal system and/or for professional registration purposes. It can also be used to support accredited CPD activity in professional/academic study with the National Centre for Post Qualifying Social Work at Bournemouth University. Whatever the reason for completing this workbook evidencing your professional capability should be undertaken as part of a clearly defined, and planned, process of continuous professional development (CPD).

Meet the author(s)

Di Galpin

Lecturer in Social Work (Safeguarding)
Di was Senior Lecturer and programme lead in Post Qualifying Social Work/Safeguarding Adults at Bournemouth University for 9 years, and Academic Lead for Social Work at the University of Plymouth until July 2020. Previously, Di practiced for 14 years in mental health, disability and older people services.
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