On International Women’s Day, we would love to share with you that Bournemouth Soroptimists and Bournemouth University are going to facilitate a conference with the focus upon Violence Against Women and Girls.
The aim of the day is to raise awareness of issues relating to violence against women and girls, bringing together diverse professionals, NGOs, charities and interested others to share knowledge, explore limitations and seek solutions to sustain social justice.
Topics include:
- Female Genital Mutilation (Unity in Vision),
- Honour based violence and female genital mutilation (True Honour),
- Engaging men and boys to end violence against women and girls (White Ribbon),
- Research on:
- Child to parent violence and abuse,
- Reducing offending and interventions, focusing on suspects and looking at repeat offending,
- Exploring how to improve sex offence investigations and intoxication and consent in the 21st century – is the current law fit for purpose?
We wanted to give you advance notice of this in-person conference held at Bournemouth University on Thursday 29th June 2023.
Please would you kindly share this ‘save the date’ across your networks! See you there!