October 2024 Newsletter
Dear all
As the days are getting shorter and the nights so much colder, I wanted to share some news and updates from Bournemouth University with you.
A new unit around Domestic Abuse and Violence.
A new unit around Domestic Abuse and Violence.
Our BA and MA Social Work students are settled into the semester now and are eager to learn. As academics we are always so pleased to welcome students and share learning with them, invite colleagues from practice and experts with experience. An ethos we carry forward into our CPD units and you will be pleased to hear that we have developed a new unit around Domestic Abuse and Violence.
Drs Orlanda Harvey and Louise Oliver have been working and researching in this area for some time, they co-facilitate a group for women who have or are experiencing Intimate Partner Violence as well as being research active in the fields of Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls.
This Master’s level unit is aimed at all professionals in professional roles who come across and support those who have experienced IPVA as victim/survivors. Students will be able to gain a systematic understanding of relevant literature including a critical awareness of current issues and recent research related to coercive and controlling behaviours. This unit seeks to address the needs of those working in a wide variety of fields who come across victim/survivors of IPVA. It is intended for practitioners and leaders within Health and Social Care and the Criminal Justice settings who have responsibilities for supporting victims/survivors and/or signposting, and those in leadership roles who lead/manage people who support those experiencing IPVA.
Preparation for Practice in the United Kingdom for non-UK Social Workers
Preparation for Practice in the United Kingdom for non-UK Social Workers
We have run the unit for the first time with a group of social workers who have recently relocated to the Southwest of England from several African countries. As the unit is not complete it is too soon to give an evaluation. However, the students have been very engaged in the discussion and it has highlighted the critical gaps in their knowledge of the social work role in the UK, a range of legal and policy frameworks, particularly around equality and human rights, and an understanding of the political, societal and cultural landscape in the UK.
Whilst the first cohort has now started already, we are keen to gauge interest to run it again. Please feel free to reach out if your agency has a particular staff development need that this unit could meet.
AMHP update
AMHP update
Our Approved Mental Health Practitioner programme will see a few changes to manage the regional staff development needs. We are amalgamating the Southwest and the Wessex cohort for the online taught days, whilst the face-to-face sessions will still take place in the localities. Changing to this delivery model offers us more flexibility in the delivery of the programme whilst enabling cross-region learning and collaboration with our partner agencies.
BIA Update
BIA Update
Following the recent publication of standards for Best Interest Assessor training by Social Work England, we are pleased to announce that our MCA programme will be inspected by SWE in October 2025.
We will be looking to include partner agencies, colleagues, past and present students and those with lived experience of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards in the inspection. We will keep you up to date with developments as we receive them from SWE.
Should you have any questions regarding the process please contact Mike Lyne mlyne@bournemouth.ac.uk
New Heads of Department
New Heads of Department
After 7 years in the role of Head of Department, Prof Sam Porter has now stepped out of this position.
Dr Jayne Caudwell and Dr Stefan Kleipoedszus both continue in their roles as Deputy Heads of Department with Stefan overseeing Social Work and Jayne overseeing Social Sciences.
At the same time, they are joint interim Heads of Department overseeing the whole department.
CPD units
CPD units
And as usual, here are the dates for the units running over the next few months with the application deadline approaching:
Evidencing Professional Learning: 2 Managing and Leading Organisational Change (Dorset Health care employees only)
Start Date: 12/12/2024 / Application Cut of Date: 31/10/2024Mental Capacity Act 2005 in Practice
Level 6 Level 7
Start Date: 07/01/2025 / Application Cut off Date: 26/11/2024Enabling Work Based Learning (Solihull employees only)
Level 6 Level 7
Start Date: 14/01/2025 / Application Cut off Date: 03/12/2024Enabling Work Based Learning (Bournemouth cohort – open to all)
Level 6 Level 7
Start Date: 21/01/2025 / Application Cut off Date: 29/11/2024Developing Specialist & Professional Practice (DPSP)
Start Date: 30/01/2025 / Application Cut off Date: 17/12/2024Risk Assessment & Decision Making IN Practice
Level 6 Level 7
Start Date: 04/02/2025 / Application Cut off Date: 17/12/2024Mental Capacity Act 2005 in Practice
Level 6 Level 7
Start Date: 04/02/2025 / Application Cut off Date: 17/12/2024Introduction to Leadership – Improving Organisational and Personal Performance (IPOP)
Level 6 Level 7
Start Date: 05/02/2025 / Application Cut off Date: 18/12/2024Leading For Change
Start Date: 06/02/2025 / Application Cut off Date: 12/12/2024