Professor Lee-Ann Fenge
DProf, MSc, BA (Hons), CQSW, SFHEA (she/her)
I have over twenty years of experience of qualitative research in the field of health and social care. I have led a body of research from 2003 to date engaged with seldom heard voices (Gay and Grey 2003-2006; Gay and Pleasant Land 2008-2012; Seen but Seldom Heard exploring disability and social inclusion 2012 to 2016; Homelessness Seldom Heard Voices project 2017-2019; disability across the lifecourse 2022, and engaging community assets for wellbeing 2019-date).
This work concerns both the use of novel methodologies to engage ‘seldom heard’ voices within the research process within an overarching Performative Social Science methodology, and the development of learning tools which use research findings to create societal impact. Outputs are co-produced with experts by experience, community researchers, and students. I am mindful of creating social impact through research, and in recent years have created this through a range of mediums including co-produced learning tools, films and events to engage with frontline practice and the public to create impact from research.
- Professor of Social Care
- Director of the Centre for Seldom Heard Voices
- Social Care Lead for the Clinical Research Network (CRN) Wessex
Research and Recent Publications
Barr, H., Anderson, E., Hutchings, M and Fenge, L. (in press) Social Work: An Indispensable Role in Learning to Integrate Care, Journal of Interprofessional Care
Bradley, l., Shanker, S., Heward, M., Fenge, L., and Murphy, J. (2023)Effectiveness of digital technologies to engage and support the wellbeing of people with dementia and family carers at home and in care homes: A scoping review, Dementia,
Baker, R. et al. ( 2023) Common health assets protocol: a mixed-methods, realist evaluation and economic appraisal of how community-led organisations (CLOs) impact on the health and well-being of people living in deprived areas, BMJ Public Health
Pulman, A., & Fenge, L. (2023) Building Capacity for Social Care Research – Personal and organisational barriers facing practitioners, British Journal of Social Work,
Amenyah S. D., Waters D., Tang W., Fenge L. & Murphy J. L., (2022). Systematic realist synthesis of health-related and lifestyle interventions designed to decrease overweight, obesity and unemployment in adults, Current Developments in Nutrition 6 (Supplement_1): 1045-1045
McGee C., Barlow-Pay M, Vassilev, I, Baird J, Fenge L, Chase D & Parkes J. (2022) Supporting and enabling health research in a local authority (SERLA): an exploratory study, BMC Public Health, 22(1): 1316
Amenyah, S., Murphy, J., and Fenge, L. 2021. Evaluation of a health-related intervention to reduce overweight, obesity and increase employment in France and the United Kingdom: A Mixed-Methods Realist Evaluation Protocol, BMC Public Health, 21. articles/10.1186/s12889-021-10523-3
Oliver, L. and Fenge, L. 2020. Child-to-Parent Violence and Abuse: Navigating the Ethical Line When Involving Children in Biographic Research, Ethics and Social Welfare, 14(4) 443-450 0.1839184?journalCode=resw20
Oakley, L., Fenge, L. and Taylor B 2020.‘I call it the hero complex’–Critical considerations of power and privilege and seeking to be an agent of social and personal change in qualitative researchers’ experience, Qualitative Research in Psychology,
Fenge, L., Oakley, L., Taylor, B. and Beer, S. 2019. The impact of sensitive research on the researcher: preparedness and positionality, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18: 1–8
Fenge, L., Melacca, D, Lee, S. and Rosenorn-Lanng, E. 2019. Older peoples’ preferences and challenges when using digital technology: a systematic review with particular reference to digital games, International Journal of Education and Ageing, 5 (1), 61-78
Fenge, L. Cutts, W. and Seagrave, J. 2018. Understanding homelessness through poetic inquiry: looking into the shadows, Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 19 (3), 119-133
The Latest from Professor Lee-Ann Fenge
Delivering CareTech at Scale across the social care sector
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The Mental Capacity Toolkit: A Valuable Resource for Health and Social Care Professionals
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Developing a better understanding of the challenges of building capacity to undertake social care research in the Wessex region
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NIHR Your Path in Research campaign
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Our Social Work Team was awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Excellence Award!
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Are you a Social Care Academic or Social Care Researcher in Wessex?
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Why is social care research important?
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Professor Lee-Ann Fenge speaks at All Party Parliamentary Health Group event on the Health and Care Bill
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Celebrating the Launch of Our Mental Capacity Toolkit for Nurses and Professionals
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Our second project with Burdett Trust for Nursing – Mental Capacity
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Carers Week 2021: Make Caring Visible and Valued
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Professor Lee-Ann Fenge is appointed by CRN Wessex as the first regional social care speciality lead!
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The impact of COVID-19 on workforce stress and resilience – Parliamentary Health and Social Care Committee Publication
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How did Covid-19 impact Social Work practice in the Pan-Dorset and Wiltshire area?
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Discharged from hospital back to the streets – homeless and forgotten
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Seeking community creatively: one social worker’s journey
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Safeguarding Workbook for those at risk of financial abuse from scamming
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The ESRC 2018 Festival of Social Sciences came to BU!
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The launch of our Financial Scamming and Fraud (APPG) Publication.
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Financial scamming of vulnerable adults a concern for community nurses
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How We Developed a Scams Prevention and Victim Support Toolkit with Age UK
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New Publication: Scams Prevention and Victim Support toolkit
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How asset-based commissioning can support social action at scale
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NCCDSW awarded institutional hero award at CTSI conference
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How We Won an Award and Launched a Book on Scamming Prevention and Protection
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Are we heading for a doomsday scenario in the care of older people?
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Lessons from Southern Health – leadership to support a culture of voice across complex integrated systems
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New Guide to financial scamming launched at Parliamentary event
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The importance of leadership strategy in Children’s Services
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New taskforce launched to combat fraud across the UK
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Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults from Financial Scamming
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‘Wicked problems’ in adult social care – responding through collaborative leadership
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Tip of the iceberg – identifying older adults at risk of financial fraud
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How to Attract and Retain the Social Care Workforce in Poole
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How to Support Newly Qualified Social Workers in Practice
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Supporting Newly Qualified Social Workers in Practice
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