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Dr Lou Oliver

Senior lecture

I am a senior lecturer with the social work team. I teach on both the qualifying and post-qualifying programmes. I am also, a qualified social worker who has predominantly worked in children’s and families within local authorities. My interests are in family violence and abuse, particularly domestic violence, child-to-parent violence and abuse, familial problematic communication, with a focus upon secrets and secrecy. As well social work practice education, with a focus upon innovative pedagogical teaching tools and also critical reflection.

  • PhD in Child-to-parent violence and abuse (Bournemouth University, 2018)
  • PG Diploma in Social Work (Step Up To Social Work (BU), 2017)
  • MA in Practice Development (Bournemouth University, 2010)
  • Honours Associate Supervisor Award (UK Council for Graduate Education, 2023)
  • Memberships HEA, Senior Fellow,

Research and Recent Publications
Journal Articles

Oliver, L., Stephens, C. and Shakespeare, S., 2022. Shhhh! Can You Keep a Secret?»: Reflecting upon the experience of working with «secret keepers» in social work. Relational Social Work, 6 (2), 71-84.
Oliver, L., 2021. Child-to-Parent Violence and Abuse: why families need to open up when the nation locks down. The Sociological Observer, Remaking Social Futures through Biographic, Narrative and Lifecourse Approaches: Story-Making and Story-Telling in Pandemic Times (3), 61-67.
Oliver, L. and Fenge, L.A., 2020. Child-to-Parent Violence and Abuse: Navigating the Ethical Line When Involving Children in Biographic Research. Ethics and Social Welfare, 14 (4), 443-450.


Polkinghorne, M., Hull, A., Metzger, A., Carstensen, A., Goldsmith, B., Heffernan, C., Casey, C., Anderson, E., Sweeting, F., Knight, F., Roushan, G., Ribchester, H., Henderson, H., Darby, I., Parry, K., Roper, L., Oliver, L., Hughes, M., Bobeva, M., Ayer, N., Harvey, O., Phillips, P., Wang, R., Stride, S., Hillier, S., Andrewes, T., Patel, U., Adzhiev, V. et al., 2023. Fusion Learning Conference 2023 – Proceedings. Poole, Dorset, UK, BH12 5BB: Bournemouth University.
Lee, S. and Oliver, L., 2023. Social Work Practice with Adults Learning from Lived Experience. SAGE.


Oliver, L. and Lee, S., 2020. Working With Disabled Children and Young People. In: Parker, J. and Ashencaen Crabtree, S., eds. Human Growth and Development in Children and Young People Theoretical and Practice Perspectives. Policy Press.
Jones, K., Thurston, J. and Oliver, L., 2019. Interview: Kip Jones talks about Biography, Auto-biography, and Creativity. Sage Publications MethodSpace. Available from:
Cooper, K., Oliver, L., Podee, M. and Thurston, J., 2018. The Personal Stories of a Methodology Study Group: An independent learning and support mechanism for postgrads. Method Space. Available from:


Oliver, L., 2018. Family narratives of child-to-parent violence and abuse: lifting the veil of secrecy. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences.

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