Meet the team

Dr Sally Lee

Programme Lead for the MA and BA Social Work programmes

I am Programme Lead for the MA and BA Social Work programmes and I teach across both programmes leading the Professional Practice with Adults units and the First Placement unit with the BA students. Students bring to our university a wealth of knowledge, experience and curiosity which creates a shared learning environment and I see my role as guide and empowerer, helping individuals engage, grow and gain new perspectives.

I am very proud to be a social worker and feel that it is a privilege to work with diverse people in often challenging circumstances. After more than 20 years in practice working in a range of statutory adult services I now love working with students, PIER Partnership members and practitioners helping to develop the next generation of social workers.


I was fortunate to be able to undertake a Professional Doctorate (D Prof) whilst in practice. The DProf differs from a traditional Phd in its focus on professional practice and the creation of knowledge for practice. My study was (and continues to be) focused on an issue emerging from practice and it led to the coproduction with service users and practitioners, of learning resources to support social work focused on sexual wellbeing. This learning is now embedded within the curriculum at BU so if you study here at BU you will find out more!

My research interests have always focused on people experiencing marginalisation, be that sexual disenfranchisement often experience by disabled or older people, economic inequality, or the marginalisation of people whose mental capacity is compromised. I feel strongly that the acceptance and celebration of the full range of human experience is an issue of social justice and is fundamental to social work.

I am proud to be part of the Centre of Seldom Hard Voices and the NCCDSW. I am also the Chair of the Independent Safeguarding Committee at Salisbury Cathedral

Research and Recent Publications

Lyne, M, Lee, S, Fenge, L, Rosenorn Lanng, E and Corbin-Clarke, S. 2023. Introducing the Mental Capacity Act Toolkit. Journal of General Practice Nursing, 9(2)

Lee, S and Oliver, L (ed). 2023. Social Work Practice with Adults: Learning from Lived Experience. London: Sage

Lee, 2021 Social inclusion and the role of social workers. Handbook of Social Inclusion Research and Practices in Health and Social Sciences. Springer online,

Lee, S. (2022) Understanding Social Exclusion. In Hughes, M. Social Exclusion in the UK: The Lived Experience. St Albans: Critical Publishing

Lee, S. (2021) Disability and social work: partnerships to promote sexual well-being. In Shuttleworth, R and Mona, L (eds). Routledge Handbook of Disability and Sexuality. Abingdon: Routledge

Lee, S., Fenge, L., Brown, K and Lyne, M (eds) (2020) Demystifying Mental Capacity: A guide for health and social care professionals. London: Sage

Oliver, L. and Lee, S. (2020). Human service professional work with children and young people with disabilities. In Parker, J. and Ashencaen Crabtree, S. Human growth and development in children and young people. Bristol: Policy Press. p271-283

Evans, E. and Lee, S. (2020) Social Work and learning disability/difficulties (children, young people and adults). In Parker, J.(ed) Introducing Social Work. Exeter: Learning Matters p265-275

Lee, S. (2020). Social work with disabled children, young people and adults. In Parker, J. Introducing Social Work. Exeter: Learning Matters p254-264

Buckley, S. and Lee, S. (2019). I was assessed under the Care Act to enable me to live independently. In Mel Hughes A Guide to statutory social work interventions. London: MacMillan. pp130-146.

Fenge, L. Lee, S and Brown K (Eds) (2017). Safeguarding adults, scamming and mental capacity, London: Sage

Lee, S, Johnson, R, Fenge, L-A and Brown, K. (2017). Safeguarding adults at risk of financial scamming. In (eds) Cooper, A. and White, E. Good Practice in Safeguarding Adults. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Lee, S., Fenge, L.-A. and Collins, B., (2020). Disabled people’s voices on sexual well-being. Disability and Society, 35 (2), 303-325

Fenge, L., Melacca, D., Lee, S. and Rosenorn-Lanng E. (2019). Older peoples’ preferences and challenges when using digital technology: a systematic review with particular reference to digital games. International Journal of Education and Ageing, 5 (1), 61-78.

Fenge, L. and Lee, S (2018) Understanding the Risks of Financial Scams as Part of Elder Abuse Prevention. The British Journal of Social Work, Volume 48, Issue 4, Pages 906–923

Lee, S and Fenge, L. (2017).  Scamming: recognising and supporting victims of financial abuse. Journal of Community Nursing, 31(6)

Lee, S, Fenge, L and Collins, B. (2017). Promoting sexual well-being in social work education and practice. Social Work Education. doi/pdf/10.1080/02615479.2017.1401602​

Lee, S and Fenge, L. (2016). Sexual Well-Being and Physical Disability, British Journal of Social Work, Volume 46, Issue 8, 1 December 2016, Pages 2263–2281. Doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcw107

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