Meet the team

Stefan Kleipoedszus

Head of Department and Senior Lecturer

I am a qualified social worker with more than 20 years of experience of working with children in different contexts, including safeguarding and disabilities. As a researcher, I take great interest in children living in (secure) care, ways of improving protecting the welfare of children and the way social workers make difficult decisions under uncertainty. Over the time, I have done research into juvenile delinquency, re-integration of women who were imprisoned and the implementation of social pedagogy into English residential childcare homes.

As a teacher, I strongly believe in the potential of group learning and the ability of students to learn from solving problems themselves. My main areas of teaching include Models and Methods in Social Work, Trauma Informed Care and Working with Children and their Families. Over the years, I have been working with different organisations in child and family work on strategies to improve service delivery.

Research and Recent Publications
Journal Articles
  • Andow, C., Kleipoedszus, S., Arthur, R., Dunn, R. and Wake, N., 2023. Re-imagining secure children’s home design to improve outcomes for children. Emerald Open Res, 5 (12).
  • Pritchard, C., Kleidpoedszuz, S. and Hansen, L., 2021. Population-based Study of Septicaemia and Intestinal Infection Disease Deaths in America and Twenty Developed Countries 2013-15: Indicative of Poor Food production and Handling? Journal of Medical Discovery, 6 (1), 1-8.
  • Kleipoedszus, S., 2019. Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in England. Jugendhilfe, 57 (1), 6-12.
  • Clark, A., Cameron, C. and Kleipoedszus, S., 2014. Sense of place in children’s residential care homes: perceptions of home? Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 13 (2).
  • Kleipoedszus S., Lee, S., Bigmore, J. and Oliver L., 2023. Trauma Informed Practice with Adults. In: Lee, S. and Oliver, L. (eds). Social work practice with adults : learning from lived experience. London: Learning Matters (Transforming social work practice).
  • Kleipoedszus, S., 2023. Decision Making in Social Work Practice with Adults. In: Lee, S. and Oliver, L. (eds). Social work practice with adults : learning from lived experience. London: Learning Matters (Transforming social work practice).
  • Kleipoedszus, S. and Leanne, 2019. My Child was taken into care. In: Hughes, M., ed. A Guide to Statutory Social Work Interventions. The Lived Experience. London: Red Globe Press, 95-107.
  • Kleipoedszus, S., 2011. Communication and Conflict: An important part of social pedagogic relationships. In: Cameron, C. and Moss, P., eds. Social Pedagogy and Working with Children and Young People Where Care and Education Meet. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 125-140.
  • Cameron, C., Petrie, P., Wigfall, V. and Kleipoedszus, S., 2011. Final Report of the Social Pedagogy Pilot Programme: development and implementation. Thomas Coram Research Unit.

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