Stevie Corbin-Clarke
I am a research assistant in the Department of Social Work and Social Sciences at Bournemouth University. I graduated with a degree in Primary Education (BA Hons) from the University of Chichester in 2017 and joined BU shortly after. I work across multiple research centres, including the NCCDSW and The Centre for Seldom Heard Voices and Marginalized Communities. I have a passion for qualitative research methods and engaging with vulnerable groups and sensitive issues.
My research interests include the impact of financial scamming and fraud, digital access to health care, mental capacity, and social justice. I have been involved in the development of the BU PIER Community Research Model and use of the model to engage under-served communities in research. I have also been involved in developing a range of materials that support individuals and professionals to prevent and respond to scamming and fraud, such as Scams and Ladders, CyGamBIT, and Cyber Fraud and Scamming Guidance and Advice.
I have a keen interest in using innovative methods to disseminate research findings and engage the public. I have developed various game-based learning materials, films, and social media content for various purposes, such as research dissemination, marketing, and awareness raising. I have also become an Adobe Certified Professional in Digital Video Using Adobe Premier Pro in 2022.
I enjoy teaching social media sessions as part of the Social Work BA and MA courses, where I explore how students can keep themselves safe online and use social media most effectively and for social justice. I also love working with students and I am always happy to hear from students who are interested in my research areas.
Research and Recent Publications
Hughes, M., Corbin-Clarke, A., and Greensmith, P., 2022. Insights into patient voices on digital access to health care. Journal of Community Nursing.
Lyne, M., Lee, S., Fenge, L., Rosenorn-Lanng, E., and Corbin-Clarke, S., 2023. Introducing the Mental Capacity Act Toolkit. Journal of General Practice Nursing.
Rosenorn-Lanng, E., Corbin-Clarke, S. and Lee, S., 2019. Cyber Fraud and Scamming Guidance and Advice. The National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work. Bournemouth University.
Hughes, M., Corbin-Clarke, S., Forde, L., Gennard, M., Thomson, J., 2023. Teaching social justice in social work education – addressing the disconnect between knowledge and action using passion-based learning, 2023. The British Journal of Social Work (in process)
Galpin, D., Maksymluk, A., Rosenorn-Lanng, E., Corbin Clarke, S., Adye, S., 2022. Safeguarding Career Pathways Evaluation Report. The National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work. Bournemouth University.
Corbin-Clarke, S, Rosenorn-Lanng, E., Hughes, M., Jupp, K., Jury, R., and Cherry, J., 2023. Developing research with communities currently under-served by research: researcher training and coaching
Corbin-Clarke, S, Rosenorn-Lanng, E., Hughes, M., Jupp, K., Carr, D., and Prudom, S., 2023. Co-designing inclusive research with local communities: The Researching Hidden Hunger project
NIHR CRN Wessex – Co designing inclusive research with local communities: The researching Hidden Hunger project (Co-I) 2023
NIHR CRN Wessex – Developing Research with Communities currently under-served by Research (Co-I) 2023
Whatever it takes: building relationships between trans and cancer communities, National Institute for Health Research, (Co-I) 2023.
‘What I Would Like To Say…’ (Whatever It Takes – Cancer Care For Everyone), National Institute for Health Research, (Co-I) 2022
CyberASAP (Cyber security academic startup accelerator programme) – CyGamBIT (Co-I) 2022
NHS England and NHS Improvement South West Regional Nursing Leadership for Quality and Safeguarding – evaluation of the safeguarding career pathway. (Co-I) 2021
National Trading Standards Scams Team – Call Blocker Impact Evaluation (Co-I) 2020
Burdett Trust for Nursing – Community Nurses understanding of Mental Capacity (Co-I) 2018
The Latest from Stevie Corbin-Clarke
Trans Aware Cancer Care (TACC) – Community Researcher Model
in podcasts -
Our reflections on the first Trans Aware Cancer Care workshop
in blogs -
Assessing Capacity – Reflections on Developing the Toolkit
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Social Exclusion & Discrimination Unit – LGBTQ+ community.
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The Mental Capacity Toolkit: A Valuable Resource for Health and Social Care Professionals
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Cancer Care for Everyone (What I Would Like to Say… Community Research Project)
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Building scams intelligence within students in the South West. Can you help Trading Standards?
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Celebrating the Launch of Our Mental Capacity Toolkit for Nurses and Professionals
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Our second project with Burdett Trust for Nursing – Mental Capacity
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National Voices Project: Unlocking the digital front door
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Research by NCCDSW has been reported on BBC News!
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Emily and Stevie were invited to present their call blocker research at the NTS Launch Event!
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Professor Lee-Ann Fenge is appointed by CRN Wessex as the first regional social care speciality lead!
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How did Covid-19 impact Social Work practice in the Pan-Dorset and Wiltshire area?
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New Publication: Cyber Scamming and Fraud
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Bournemouth Gateway Development Building Site Walk
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NCCDSW are proud winners of the ‘Enriching Society’ Vice-Chancellor’s Staff Award!
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The launch of our Financial Scamming and Fraud (APPG) Publication.
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Our Unforgettable Experience at the House of Commons Financial Scamming Event
in blogs