BASW Cymru survey regarding DoLS practice

Mike Lyne
5th March 2020

Please see below the BASW Cymru survey regarding DoLS practice and the forthcoming Liberty Protection Safeguards.

This is for BIAs in their individual professional capacity and can be completed by OTs, nurses and psychologists or even people who no longer practice or never practiced! It’s for any BIA who’s ever undertaken work for a Welsh body in England or Wales.

LPS is planned to replace the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) scheme in October 2020 and the answers you provide will help to shape a response to the Welsh Government about the implementation.

The drafting of the scheme has been influenced by the experience of professionals acting in the role of Best Interests Assessors (BIAs) under the DoLS scheme. It is very likely that existing BIA staff will play roles under the new configuration of the LPS scheme.

In Wales, requirements for BIA practice are substantially different and this has led to a diverse workforce developing.

This work is being led by the Social Work Law in Wales Policy, Practice and Education Group (PPEG) of BASW Cymru, who are involved in lobbying Welsh Government.

The survey will take about 15 minutes and all information given in response to the survey will be treated as confidential.

Please forward the link for the survey to colleagues.

Please submit your answers by Friday 27 March (English) (Welsh)

Meet the author(s)

Mike Lyne

Senior Lecturer in mental health social work
Michael Lyne is a senior lecturer in social work and mental health at Bournemouth University. He has a dual qualification and registration in nursing and social work, with 15 years of experience in the NHS and various client groups. He is an expert in mental capacity, adult safeguarding, and advance care planning.
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