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Staff Profile

Dr Natalie Djohari

Embedded Researcher

I have been engaged in community based research for over 17 years, working across academia and the voluntary sector. My work draws from anthropology and human geography to understand what ‘matters’ in people’s everyday lives – specifically those things that are valued, prioritised or considered significant for wellbeing and quality of life. This focus on mattering frequently leads me to work on the disparities between policy priorities and the experiences of those who lack visibility or are seldom heard.

I am currently embedded as a researcher with the charity Help and Care to help them build capacity in social care research. As part of this work, we are investigating carers experience of waiting for memory assessment and how they try to keep well, mentally, emotionally and physically during this time.

My work is diverse, but most frequently reflects on materialities, affect, emotion, and mutual entanglement in everyday life. I prioritise ethnographic methods and the development of creative and participatory approaches, that enable people to talk about and express difficult feeling and experiences. Most recently I used collage with postcards to encourage people to express their feelings for a coastline caught up in the politics of migrant boat landings.

My work tends to be impact driven, seeking to make real world changes to policy and practice. This has led me to adopt accessible and creative ways to disseminate finding, including interactive exhibitions, producing an animation and ethnographic film.

Previous work has included looking at wellbeing in coastal communities and the experiences of migrant workers in the Scottish fishing fleet (Fishercoast, 2019-2022); the social and community benefits of participation in angling intervention programmes for marginalised young people (SCBAP 2009-2013); community volunteering and vigilance practices along the Kent and Sussex coast (Watching the Coast (2021 to 2023); digital harms associated with sharing children’s data throughs parents’ social media posts (ProTechThem 2022-24). I have also worked on projects exploring young people’s awareness of gambling advertising in Premiership football; and the the development of moral values in international schools.

Research and Recent Publications

Cornish, H., Weston, G., Djohari, N., Urdea, A., Liber, E. and Evans, L., 2024. For love and money: Navigating values at the antiques roadshow event. Journal of Popular Culture, 57 (2), 80-92.

Ugwudike, P., Roth, S., Lavorgna, A., Middleton, S.E., Djohari, N., Tartari, M. and Mandal, A., 2024. Sharenting and social media properties: Exploring vicarious data harms and sociotechnical mitigations. Big Data and Society, 11 (1).

Rao, N. and Djohari, N., 2024. Both visible and invisible: women, risk-taking and the expansion of fisheries technologies in South India. Gender, Technology and Development, 28 (1), 29-49.

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